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Client Issue:

Fortune 500 financial services company.

Need to develop​ critical management skills to help foster the development of new managers in offices worldwide.

What We Did:

Brookeside implemented an 18-month training curriculum to help new managers transition to their roles. Three different workshops focused on participants' relationships with their direct reports, peers, and managers. Through classroom lessons, role playing, exercises, and 360° feeback sessions, the participants learned to:


  • Engage effectively with direct reports to drive performance

  • Foster creativity and innovation

  • Coach and support direct reports on a day-to-day basis

  • Reach consensus with team members

  • Let go of their "turf"


Participants were also taught to improve in the six dimensions of the company's Organizational Climate (structure, standards, responsibility, recognition, support, and commitment) and the three dimensions of peer feedback (understanding others, driving toward results, and maximizing contributions).


Of participants rated the experience useful to their jobs as managers.

Agreed they had a much better understanding of how to create a team

Agreed that the class improved their ability to understand the challenges of new management

Said they would change their behavior based on the class

Said they felt better prepared to coach their people

Each participant left the program with a 90-day action plan for behavior change, which Brookeside reinforced with regular communications, exercises, and reminders over the next six months.


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